

What type of eater is your child?

This may seem like a strange question, but toddlers come in a few different types of eaters.

Identifying what kind your child is, whether picky or otherwise, can actually help you as a parent feed them better.

Meet and get to know our monsters so they can help you shop more accurately.

Zuri (The Rep-eater)

“Help me get my appetite back”

I used to eat anything and everything but now I've lost all interest in food and only eat the same 4 items. Mealtime has become a power struggle and I need familiar favorites that can bring my appetite back

Zuri (The Rep-eater)
“Help me get my appetite back”
I used to eat anything and everything but now I've lost all interest in food and only eat the same 4 items. Mealtime has become a power struggle and I need familiar favorites that can bring my appetite back

Zander (The Explorer)

“Help me explore new, adventurous flavors”

I'm an adventurous eater. I love experiencing new flavors, textures, and sensations. Nothing is ever off limits! Mealtime is an event not a battle so bring on the flavor.

Zander (The Explorer)
“Help me explore new, adventurous flavors”
I'm an adventurous eater. I love experiencing new flavors, textures, and sensations. Nothing is ever off limits! Mealtime is an event not a battle so bring on the flavor.

Poppy (The Snack Attacker)

“Help me make my basic more nutritious”

I'm only snacking on plain food like bread, biscuits, and pasta all day. I’m not getting enough nutritients and need to up the nutritional integrity of my plain basics.

Poppy (The Snack Attacker)
“Help me make my basic more nutritious”
I'm only snacking on plain food like bread, biscuits, and pasta all day. I’m not getting enough nutritients and need to up the nutritional integrity of my plain basics.

Willow (The Refuser)

“Help me fall in love with veggies”

I am the ultimate picky eater. I'm afraid of trying anything new. Anything green scares me, and I love the word “no”. I throw major tantrums if my food is touching each other. I need to be eased into liking veggies.

Willow (The Refuser)
“Help me fall in love with veggies”
I am the ultimate picky eater. I'm afraid of trying anything new. Anything green scares me, and I love the word “no”. I throw major tantrums if my food is touching each other. I need to be eased into liking veggies.

Rocco (The Spitter)

“Help me find a texture I can enjoy”

I have an issue with textures. I think carrots are too hard, yogurt is too slimy, and cucumbers are too smooth. Help me find a texture I can enjoy.

Rocco (The Spitter)
“Help me find a texture I can enjoy”
I have an issue with textures. I think carrots are too hard, yogurt is too slimy, and cucumbers are too smooth. Help me find a texture I can enjoy.


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